We are Global Climate Ambassador!

For our families,
For our schools,
For our companies,
For our country,
For our humanity.

Climate crisis, now it’s not just a polar bear problem, it’s our generation’s problem!
A volunteer army to save me, us, our country, and humanity!
The VANK has established a global climate ambassador site.

For our families,
for our schools,
for our companies,
for our country,
for our humanity.

If the average global temperature rises by 1℃, countless polar bears will be endangered, and if the average global temperature rises by 2℃, many parts of the world will be flooded and countless people will die.

Furthermore, if the average global temperature rises by 3℃, global production, capital, and consumption will plummet by more than 50%, and we will experience damage such as endless wars.

According to the 2023
World Economic Forum Global Risks Report, which analyzed the risks facing humanity over the next 10 years,

  • the first place is failure to mitigate climate change
  • the second place is failure to adapt to climate change
  • the third place is natural disasters and abnormal weather
  • the fourth place is ecosystem collapse

In this way, the world is threatened by the climate crisis.

Therefore, VANK is working with the Gyeonggi Provincial Government to foster global climate ambassadors.
Through this, VANK hope that each citizen will learn about the climate crisis and work together to respond to it.

The We Are Global Climate Ambassadors site,
built by VANK, consists of six sections:

We are Global Climate Ambassadors

The ‘We are Global Climate Ambassadors’ section explains the warning about the climate crisis and
why this site was created.

Turning Indifference into Interest

The ‘Turning Indifference into Interest’ section is divided into ‘The Global Climate Crisis’ and
‘The Climate Crisis in Korea’ and informs about
what climate change phenomena are occurring in the world and in Korea.

Interest into Practice

The ‘Interest into Practice’ section tells us how to turn our indifference into concern and then how to turn our concern into action. It is divided into ‘Home Action Plans’, ‘School Action Plans’, and ‘Company Action Plans’, and each location provides guidance on how to respond to the climate crisis.

Practice into Organization

The ‘Practice into Organization’ section informs about national efforts, not individual efforts. ‘European Practice’ informs about European practices that are evaluated as proactively responding to the climate crisis, and ‘Korean Practice’ informs about Korean practices.

Great Journey

The ‘Great Journey’ section informs the public about the seriousness of the climate crisis and the actions VANK has taken so far.

Climate Compass

The ‘Climate Compass’ section is divided into a ‘Terms’ section and a ‘Site’ section for those unfamiliar with the climate crisis, providing explanations of terms related to the climate crisis and introducing other information sites related to the climate crisis.

Recently, VANK has signed a business agreement with Gyeonggi Province and is carrying out a project to foster global climate ambassadors.

Through this, it plans to develop content on the severity of the climate crisis and policies to respond to the climate crisis, spread climate change education and climate action practices online and offline for youth and young adults, and promote international responses to the climate crisis using social media.